After Your Big Sit
Sharing Your Big Sit! Day
Birders love good stories and beautiful photographs. Please tell everyone about your circle and your day by posting words or pictures to The Big Sit! Facebook page. Share photographs and drawings of your circle, the birds, the scenery, the snacks. Photographs of people are especially nice, but please obtain permission from everyone in the photos, particularly from parents of participating children. The New Haven Bird Club may use your contributions to report on and publicize The Big Sit!
The Big Sit NHBC Facebook page
Consolidated Results
The New Haven Bird Club will compile observations that are submitted to eBird and shared within eBird to The results for all circles will be posted on The Big Sit! Results, Facebook page, and publicized in an email sent to all those who signed up on MailChimp.
Every circle wins the Having a Good Time Birding Award.
Additionally, bragging rights go to:
- The Best Overall Count (most species identified by a single circle). That circle wins Big Sit! Bragging Rights.
- The Best State Count (most species identified within a state or province). That circle wins Big Sit! State Bragging Rights.
The circles with the highest species counts get Bragging Rights, but everyone gets the satisfaction of comparing their results to others nearby or to their own results in previous years.