Registration of Circles
You will mark the location of your circle on the day of the event. This can be done using the eBird app on your smartphone or the eBird website on your computer. Clubs, organizations, teams, and individuals can continue their traditional circles or create new ones.
Listing and Finding a Circle
This year you have the option to list your circle before the event so that other birders can join you. For more information, see Circles and Rules.
Email Communication
We encourage Big Sit! circle coordinators, captains, and participants to provide us with your email address. We will send announcements, updates, and the final results directly to you.
Please use our MailChimp signup form to sign up to receive informational emails from The Big Sit!
Submitting Your Results
Submit the precise location of your circle, your final list of birds, and related information through eBird. Then “share” (not email) your checklist in eBird with eBird is a user-friendly program familiar to many birders. All Big Sit! observations are included in a rich database used by researchers to better understand bird migration and distribution in North America and throughout the world. You will be contributing to community science while having fun.
Please make sure that the eBird location accurately pinpoints your circle. We would like to know if the Big Sit! circles are in national, state or local wildlife refuges, land trusts, forests, parks, or other named areas. If so, please add a note in the eBird checklist “Comments” with the name of the refuge or park.
COVID-19 Safety
On the weekend of The Big Sit!, we still may need to take precautions for COVID-19. First priority for all participants should be protecting their own health and well-being, and that of their fellow participants. Please follow all local, state, and federal health policies and guidelines.
Share Your Day on Facebook
In past years, participants shared photos and stories with Bird Watcher’s Digest. Now, please use The Big Sit! Facebook page to post your photos, write stories, and share other highlights of your Big Sit! day. Don’t forget to include photos and recipes for your food and snacks!
If you have questions, please contact us at